Turn word wrap on (in the Edit Menu) to view this document fullly. This file is a suplement to the documentation file. It describes: I) How to download new versions II) How to avoid ctl3dv2.dll problems III) How to add new cities IV) How to add or change the images available from within the program I. When a new version is available, WinWeather will ask you if you want to download the new version. If you click on the No button, you can still download the new version later on by clicking on the About button in WinWeather and then clicking on the Load New Version button. If downloading fails for some reason, you can also use your web browser such as NetScape, Microsoft Explorer, or any other browser. Go to http://www.igsnet.com/igs/weather.html and you'll be able to download the new version. II. How to avoid ctl3dv2.dll problems The ctl3dv2.dll file can only be in the windows/system directory. It cannot be in the weather directory or any other directory to work properly. If you get an error message, search your hard drive for the ctl3dv2.dll file and delete all copies not in the windows/system directory. III. Adding Cities Not Available in WinWeather: You can now add cities to WinWeather that are not available from within the program. To add a city, you'll first need to get the code for the city. To find the code, do the following: 1) Use a telnet program to telnet to um-weather.sprl.umich.edu 3000 or downwind.sprl.umich.edu 3000. The 3000 refers to the port. Some telnet programs have a separate box where you can type in the 3000, while other telnet programs will work simply by typing in the name of the server followed by a space and the number. Others require a colon instead of the space. One you log on, type return to get the menu. 2) When the menu shows up, type in 3 to display 3-letter city codes for a selected state. Then, type in your state abreviation. A list should follow with the name of the city and the 3-letter city code. Write the city codes down for the cities you want to add. 3) Now, make sure that WinWeather is not running by clicking on the Exit button if it is still running. Then, go into the windows directory and look for a file called weather.ini. (If you can't find the file there, search your hard drive for a file called weather.ini.) 4) Open the weather.ini file. 5) First, look for a section called [Cities]. If you can't find one (which is likely if you haven't done this before, but you should check to make sure you don't add a second [Cities] section), go to the end of the weather.ini file and start on a new line. Type in [Cities] exactly like the example below with the city codes substituting for the example cities below. [Cities] DFW=TX Dallas SAC=CA Sacramento It is important to follow the above syntax. The city code should go first, then an equal sign, and then the state code. You should then leave a space and type in the name of the city. 6) Finally, you can save the changes to the weather.ini file and then run WinWeather. IV. Adding/Changing Images Viewable from the program. 1) WinWeather can view any jpeg or gif file available through the web. First, find the complete address of the file you want to add. For example, http://www.igsnet.com/pictures/picture.gif would point to a file called picture.gif on the igsnet server computer in the directory pictures. 2) Now, make sure that WinWeather is not running by clicking on the Exit button if it is still running. Then, go into the windows directory and look for a file called weather.ini. (If you can't find the file there, search your hard drive for a file called weather.ini.) 4) Open the weather.ini file. 5) First, look for a section called [Images]. This section lists the first menu that pops up when you click on the Images button. You can add your new picture directly to this directory, or create a new submenu. The example text below shows several menus including the main Images menu. [Images] US Weather Maps=menu:USWeatherMaps WeatherNet International=menu:International WeatherNet WeatherCams=menu:WeatherCams [USWeatherMaps] US Color Satellite=http://www.intellicast.com/weather/usa/sat.gif Radar Summary=www.intellicast.com/weather/usa/radsum.gif [International] World Satellite=http://www.intellicast.com/weather/intl/worldsat.gif Antarctica=http://www.ssec.wisc.edu/data/comp/latest_ant.gif If we wanted to add the www.igsnet.com/pictures/picture.gif we described above to the main Images directory, we would type the following line in the [Images] section. IGS Picture=http://www.igsnet.com/pictures/picture.gif If we wanted to add a new directory called New Pictures and then add the IGS Picture to the New Pictures menu, we would type the following under the [Images] section. New Pictures=menu:NewPictures Then, we would start a new section at the end of the weather.ini document (or at least not in the middle of another section) that said the following: [NewPictures] IGS Picture=http://www.igsnet.com/pictures/picture.gif It is important to follow the above syntax. For new menus, you first type the menu name, then an equal sign, the word menu, the colon, and then the name of the section where you will describe the menu. For new pictures, you should type the name of the picture, followed by an equal sign, followed by the address of the picture. 6) Finally, you can save the changes to the weather.ini file and then run WinWeather.